Resume .
Formation and Experience
I am a Lacanian analyst from Argentina. My formation begun very early, while I was still in highschool. I begun analysis then, and this encounter changed my disposition for life. While going to college in my homeland, I begun studying psychoanalysis in reading groups, as well as continuing my own analysis. We studied Freud and Lacan clinically, not academically, that is we knew of its effects, conclusive effects. The study of the theory was always accompanied with the clinical experience, in other words, the clinic summons the theory, makes it give its reasons.
What is Lacanian analysis? It is a non-standard cure for unsatisfactory ways of living. When desire is inhibited, anxiuos or symptomatic, people suffer from a life where desire seems out of reach. Analysis is a space to experience what happens when we listen to what we say, a chance to say yes to desire, for a life with desire is worth living!
Since I moved to the US in 2006, some colleagues and I founded the Colorado Analytic Forum of the Lacanian Field, ( with the aim of transmitting Lacan's teachings by way of study groups on Freudian and Lacanian analysis, cartel groups, and international seminars. More recently (2014), I founded the Clinical College of Colorado (, a formation program in Lacanian analysis, to further the efforts of transmission in a community that has grown more and more curious of what Lacanian analysis has to offer. Both, the Forum and the College are affiliated to the International of the Forums of the Lacanian Field,
I am a School member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field since 2009, a member of the Foro Analítico del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina; as well as member of the Lacanian Forum of Washington D.C.
I have given, participated and organized international talks and conferences in Denver, Washington D.C., New York, Buenos Aires, Rio do Janeiro, Rome, Paris, Warsaw and Medellín. I moved to this country 11 years ago and have a bilingual (English and Spanish) private practice in the down town Denver area and in Washington D.C.
I have been part of the Doctoral Clinical Research team of the Universidad of Buenos Aires, Psychology Dept. since 2015. I received and MA in Clinical Psychology in 2006 from the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, and I am scheduled to receive my PhD in Psychoanalysis from the Universidad de Buenos Aires this year.
Formación y Experiencia
Soy una psicoanalista lacaniana y argentina. Mi formación comenzó muy temprano, mientras estaba aún en la secundaria. Fue entonces que comenzó mi propio análisis, y este encuentro cambió mi disposición para con la vida. Mientras iba a la universidad en mi país, comencé a estudiar psicoanálisis en grupos de estudio, y continuaba mi análisis. Estudiábamos a Freud y a Lacan clínicamente, no académicamente, quiero decir, con precisa atención en los efectos del análisis, efectos conclusivos.
Qué es el psicoanálisis lacaniano? Es una cura fuera del estándard. un lugar donde experimentar lo que ocurre cuando uno se escucha, una chance de decirle sí al deseo, y lógicamente, la vida con deseo es otra!
Desde que me mudé a los Estados Unidos en 2006, algunos colegas y yo fundamos el Colorado Analytic Forum del Campo Lacaniano, con el objetivo de transmitir las enseñanzas de Lacan a través de grupos de estudio sobre análisis freudiano y lacaniano, grupos de cartel y seminarios internacionales. Más recientemente (2014), fundé el Colegio Clínico de Colorado (, un programa de formación en análisis lacaniano, para apoyar los esfuerzos de transmisión en una comunidad que se ha vuelto cada vez más curiosa de lo que el análisis lacaniano puede ofrecer. Ambos, el Foro y el Colegio están afiliados a la Internacional de los Foros del Campo Lacaniano,
Soy miembro de la Escuela de Psicoanálisis de los Foros del Campo Lacaniano, miembro del Foro Analítico del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Así como miembro del Foro Lacaniano de Washington D.C.
He participado y organizado charlas y conferencias internacionales en Denver, Washington DC, Nueva York, Buenos Aires, Río de Janeiro, Roma, París, Varsovia y Medellín. Me mudé a este país hace 11 años y tengo una práctica bilingüe (inglés y español) privada en el centro de la ciudad de Denver y en Washington DC.
Education & jobs
The Clinical College of Colorado is proud to be the first place in the state to offer Lacanian analytic formation.
Visit us at www.
The University of Buenos Aires is the largest university in Argentina and the second largest university by enrollment in Latin America
Private Practice
Clinical Supervision
Reading groups
Private Practice
Case Presentations
Clinical Supervision
Worked with chronically mentally ill patients who suffer from psychoses
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